Havas Creative Hong Kong
We are a full-service 4A's creative agency in Hong Kong. We create advertising campaigns that truly make a meaningful difference to the businesses, the brands and the lives of the people we work with. By uniting creativity, media, data and emerging tech under one roof, we provide seamlessly integrated marketing solutions to our clients.
Seizing the partnership opportunity with blue insurance to cultivate Hong Kong families the most proper cleaning routine, Andrex initiate a collaborative butt-health protection program to trigger early protection for minimizing any neglected risks to everyone’s health.
MTR plays a vital role of connecting people, places and communities together in Hong Kong. We injected this brand DNA into MTR’s retail portfolio, and leveraged the launch of The Wai, to establish a unique image for the long-awaited new mall in Tai Wai and revitalize the district while keeping its culture characteristics.
Transforming a remote North Italy Resort Living into a close to life “Wine & Dine” Living of North Italy with the finest scenery - Resonating the Soul of Northern Italian Living as aspiring & close to peoples’ expected lifestyle.
After years of the pandemic, live sports events have gradually returned, but sports enthusiasts remained hesitant to commit to a subscription package. With the addition of a new sports channel, Now TV has solidified its position as the ultimate destination for all sports offering a comprehensive sports package, and connecting true sports enthusiasts to enjoy a wide variety of sports in their entirety and discover new ones.
Loan, literally borrowing money, has long been perceived as a shame in our society, which caused loan users feeling incompetent and inferior regardless of the purpose of their financing. We took an inspirational approach that shows respect to loan seekers who stay positive in front of challenges and proactively resolve their financial difficulties.
Gay Games build an equal stage for everyone to celebrate their colors of pride through an artistic depiction of the same-sex athlete couple’s outshining six-color Lion Dance performance. It advocates to overcome the confinement of even the most traditional villages, leading the rainbow of pride to fly high from the Asian conservative walls.